Fees: Offline @35000/- After Discount @25000/-
Fees: Online @17500/- After Discount @12500/-
Fees: Both @30000/- With Discount
About The Uttarakhand Public Service Commission RO/ARO
In this article we have provided UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus as the content for Prelims, Mains and Practical Test. We have also explained the UKPSC RO ARO Examination pattern in detail so that you understand the marking system, the type of questions and other details. Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) prescribes UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus and Exam Pattern for all stages of selection process. Candidates preparing for the UKPSC RO ARO exam should go through the latest syllabus and exam schedule to plan their preparation accordingly.
UKPSC: RO/ARO Examination Syllabus
There will be an objective type test for the preliminary round, and the UKPSC RO ARO test pattern is given below.
Given below are some quick facts about the exam.
The questions are of objective type.
The exam duration is 2 hours.
Just Do It!
UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus – Prelims | |
Section | Topics |
I – General Studies |
II- General Aptitude |
UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus for Mains
Below is the complete description of UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus for Main Paper I, Paper II, and Paper III.
UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus Mains | |
Section | Topics |
I – General Studies |
II – Hindi Composition (हिंदी संरचना ) |
III- Essay | Essay writing in English/ Hindi on one topic from each of the following sections: |
UKPSC RO ARO Exam Pattern 2023
Understanding the test format is important for effective preparation as it provides information about section weights, marking patterns, question types and test duration. UKPSC RO ARO Exam Pattern for Prelims & Mains stages are provided below for your reference.
UKPSC RO ARO Exam Pattern for Prelims
The prelims will consist of an objective examination, weighing 150 marks and two hours examination period. Here is a sample of UKPSC RO ARO exam for prelims.
UKPSC RO ARO Prelims Exam Pattern | ||
Section | Subjects | Marks |
I | General Studies | 100 |
II | General Aptitude | 50 |
Total | 150 |
UKPSC RO ARO Exam Pattern for Mains
The main test consists of objective and descriptive questions. The pattern of UKPSC RO ARO Mains exam is given below.
Subjects | Subject | Max. Mark | Duration |
Paper 1 | General Studies (Objective Type) | 200 | 3 hours |
Paper 2 | Hindi Composition (Descriptive Type) | 100 | 3 hours |
Paper 3 | Essay Writing (Descriptive Type) | 100 | 3 hours |
Total | 400 | 9 hours |
UKPSC RO ARO Exam Pattern for Practical Test
The candidate’s basic understanding of computer programming will be assessed in a practical examination. The following table describes the testing procedure.
- The paper shall comprise one question from each of the following:
- Windows and internet
- M.S.Word
- M.S. Access
- M.S. Excel
- M.S Power Point.
- Each question shall have one action to be performed on the system
- Each question will be for 20 marks.
- Printout of the output shall be taken and given for evaluation.
- The exam is only qualifying in nature.
- Show in details:
UKPSC RO ARO Typing Test
The typing test for the UKPSC RO ARO Recruitment will include the following tests:
- Hindi Typing: 4000 kdph
- English Typing (Optional): 8000 kdph for RO, 9000 kdph for ARO.
- Show in details:
Note that the test duration will be 10 minutes.
Preliminary Examination
Subject:: General Studies and General Aptitude Test (Objective Type)
Time : 2 Hours
Maximum Marks : 150
1.General Science and Knowledge of Computer Operation: Questions on General Science and Computer operation will cover general understating and application of science and Computers including matters of day to day observation and experience as may be expected from an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific or computer discipline.
2 History of India and Indian National Movement: Questions on history of India and Indian National Movement will be based on broad understanding of ancient, mediaeval and modern India’s political, social, economic, and cultural aspects and India’s Freedom movement, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence.
3 Indian polity and Economy: Questions on Indian polity and economy will be based on Indian polity, Constitution, Panchayati raj and Community development,
broad features of Indian economy and planning.
4 Geography and Demography of India: Questions will be based on a broad understanding of geographical, ecological and socio-economic aspects and
demography of India.
5 Current Events: Questions will be based on important Uttarakhand State, National and International current events including games.
6 History of Uttarakand: Historical background of Uttarakhand: Ancient period (from earliest to 1200 AD) ; Mediaeval period (from 1200 to 1815 AD): Important dynasties and their achievements; Gorkha invasion and administration, British rule, Tehri State and its administration, role of Uttarakhand in the Freedom Movement of India and related eminent personalities, historical sites and monuments;movements for the formation of Uttarakhand, contribution of people of Uttarakhand in National and International fields, especially in Armed forces;
different social reform movements, and different welfare programmes of Uttarakhand for SC, ST, children, minorities and women.
7 Culture of Uttarakand: Castes and tribes, religious and folk beliefs, literature and folk literature, traditions and customs, costumes and ornaments; Fairs and
Festiveals, food habits, art and Crafts, dances, songs, musical instruments, major tourist places, important sports, tournaments and awards, famous authors and poets of Uttarakhand and their contribution in the field of Hindi literature and folk literature, State steps taken by Uttarakhand for the development of culture.
8 Geography and Demography of Uttarakhand : Geographical Setup. Salient features of Uttarakhand Himalaya. Rivers and streams, mountains, climate, forest resources and horticulture. Major crops and crop rotation. Means of irrigation. Agricultural holdings. Natural and man-made calamities and Disaster management. Water crises and watershed management. Problems of remote areas. Environment and environmental movements. Biodiversity and its preservation. Population of Uttarakhand: Classification, density, sex ratio, literacy and out-migration.
9 Economic, Political and Administrative Background of Uttarakhand : Political and Administrative Background- Elected governments in Uttarakhand and
their policies, different services in the State, the political and administrative systems, Panchayti raj,Community development and Co-operatives.
The historical background of the adminstrative system in Uttarakhand- Land management system under Gorkhas rule and British rule, district land management (Thokdari, van panchayat, civil and soyam forest, Kesar-i-hind(benap land)Nazul, nayabad settlements) Modern period Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand-Kumaun land reforms, changes in land tenures and collection of land revenue after the enforcement of Zamidari Abolition Act, revenue police system.
Economic background – Indo-Tibetan trade from border districts, the present position, local agriculture and animal husbandry, the uneconomic condition of land holdings and need for consoldation of holdings, Begar and Dadwar systems.
10 Economic and natural resoures : Human resources, Education system of the State and important educational institutes; forest, water, herbs, agriculture, animals, hydro electricity, minerals, tourism, industries (Small and Village), the position of utilization of resources.
Various schemes being implemented in Uttrarakhand for the eradication of poverty and unemployment and for economic development. Economic activities and their contribution in the State GDP. The priorities of development in Uttarakhand and new strategies of planning and its problems. Marketing facilities in Uttarakhand and agriculture mandis. The salient features of the budget of Uttarakhand State.
Part -2 : General Aptitude Test
Maximum Marks-50
Total Questions-50
1.General Intelligence: The questions on general intelligence will cover, both, verbal and non verbal types, including questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgement, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification and arithmetical number series. The test will also include questions designed to test the candidate’s abilitiy to deal with abstract ideas, symbols and their relationships, arithmetical computations and other analytical functions.
First Question Paper: General Studies (Objective type)
Time Allowed : 03 hours
Number of Questions : 200
MM : 200
1. General Science and Technology :: Questions on General Science and technology, Discoveries, Inventions, information, Bio technology, Solar technology and space technology, Artificial Intelligence, Application of new technology for health and medicines, Environmental Awareness, Natural Bio resources, electronic media, cyber crime and understanding of Science including matters of every day observation and experience, as may be expected of a well educated person, who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline.
2. Basic knowledge of computer and its application in the development :: Candidates are required to have Basic knowledge of computer and Internet
and Communication its application in the development.
3. History and Culture of India and Uttarakhand :: In History of India and Uttarakhand emphasis should be on broad understanding of economic,
social, Cultural and political aspects of Indian history.
4. Indian National Movement, Relation with other Countries (Specially neighboring Countries) after Independence:: In Indian National movement, the candidates are expected to have a synoptic view of the nature and character of the Indian freedom movement, growth of Nationalism and knowledge of relation with other Countries (Specially neighboring Countries) after Independence.
5. Geography and Population of India and Uttarakhand:: Geography of India and Uttarakhand Questions will relate to physical, political, social and
economic, population, Important National/International Orgnisation and agreements.
6. Disaster management and mitigation (ecosystem, environment and natural calamities) :: Candidates are required to have knowledge of Natural and man made calamities and Disaster management and mitigation, Global Warming, Ozone Depletion, Biodiversity and its preservation, environmental
problems and solutions C:\Users\EXAM- 3\Desktop\RO ARO 2023\For Notification\05 Notification RO ARO 2023.docx34.
7. Indian Polity and Economy :: Questions on Indian polity and economy will be based on Constitution, Panchayati raj and Community development,
broad features of Indian economy and planning.
8. Polity of Uttarakhand, Panchayati raj Act.:: Governor, Legislation, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, Public Services, Public Service Commission, High
Court and it’s Jurisdicition, Provision for minorities, Schedule Caste/Tribes, Special State Selection Criteria, Official Language, Political Parties and Election, Local Government and Panchayati Raj, Community Development, Public Policy, Right
Related Issues (Education, Employment, Development etc.) Governance (Prevention of Corruption, Lok Ayukt, Citizen charter, E-Governance, Right to
Information, Samadhan Yojna, Right to Service etc.) and other related aspects,
9. Economy of Uttarakhand:: local agriculture and animal husbandry, condition of land holdings and need for consoldation of holdings, forest resources and
horticulture, Major crops and crop rotation, Means of irrigation.
10. Current events of National and International importance:: On Current Events of National and International Importance, Sports, candidates will be
expected to have knowledge about them.
Second Question paper हिन्दी संरचना
समयावधि: 03 घण्टे
अधिकतम अंक: 100
हिन्दी संरचना: (Hindi Composition) इस प्रश्न-पत्र में कुल 5 प्रश्न और उनका अंक वितरण इस प्रकार होगा:-
(1) किसी दिये गये गद्यांश का (क) उचित शीर्षक (ख) सारांश (मलू गद्यांश का एक तिहाई)
तथा गद्यांश के रेखांकित अंशों की व्याख्या।
(2) किसी दिये हुए सरकारी पत्र का सारिणीरूप (Tabular Form) में सार लेखन। 15 अंक
(3) पत्राचार:- 15$15$15 अंक
(क) शासकीय/अर्द्धशासकीय पत्र
(ख) कार्यालय आदेश/कार्यालय ज्ञाप
(ग) विज्ञप्ति, परिपत्र एवं टिप्पणी
(4) पारिभाषिक शब्दावली रूपान्तरण: 12 शब्द दिये जाने है, जिसमें से कोई 10 करने हैं।
10 शब्द अंग्रेजी से हिन्दी
(5) रूपान्तरण: 12 दिये गये शब्दों में से कोई 10 करने हैं।
10 शब्द हिन्दी से अंग्रेजी
तृतीय प्रश्न-पत्रःः निबन्ध
समयावधि: 03 घण्टे
अधिकतम अंक: 100
इस प्रश्नपत्र के अन्तर्गत क, ख और ग तीन खण्ड होंगे। प्रत्येक खण्ड से एक-एक
शीर्षक का चयन करते हुये (दी गयी शब्द सीमा में) कुल तीन निबन्ध हिन्दी अथवा अंग्रेजी भाषा
में लिखने होंगे:-
खण्ड (क) 1. साहित्य और संस्कृति 2. सामाजिक क्षेत्र 3. राजनीतिक क्षेत्र
खण्ड (ख) 1. विज्ञान, पर्यावरण एवं प्रौद्योगिकी 2. आर्थिक क्षेत्र 3. कृषि एवं व्यापार
खण्ड (ग) 1. राष्ट्रीय एवं अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय घटना क्रम 2. प्राकृतिक आपदायें: भू-स्खलन, चक्रवात
भूकम्प, बाढ़, सूखा आदि 3. राष्ट्रीय विकास योजनायें
Basic Knowledge of computer Operation Practical Examination Ability Test (Qualifying Nature)
Time Allowed: One hours
M.M.: 100
Microsoft Windows Operating system and Microsoft Office (Maximum Marks – 100; Minimum Qualifying Marks to be obtained – 40; )
The paper shall be set from the given syllabus broadly taking one question from each i.e. – (1) Windows and internet (2) M.S. – word (3) M.S. – Access (4) M.S. – Excel and (5) M.S. – Power Point.
Note -1- Each question shall have one action to be performed on the system each having 20 marks.
Note -2 – Printout of the output shall be taken and given for evaluation.
Note- 3 – उक्त परीक्षा अर्हकारी प्रकृृति (Qualifying Nature) की होगी, जिसमें न्यूनतम 40 प्रतिशत अंक प्राप्त करना अनिवार्य होगा। उक्त परीक्षा में प्राप्त अंकों को अन्तिम चयन परिणाम में सम्मिलित नहीं किया जायेगा।
टंकण परीक्षा
समयावधिःः 10 मिनट
1. अनिवार्य:- हिन्दी टंकण (अनिवार्य) के परीक्षण हेतु 10 मिनट की अवधि में करने हेतु एक प्रश्न-पत्र दिया जायेगा। हिन्दी टंकण में कम्प्यूटर पर 4000 की-डिप्रेशन प्रति घण्टा
की गति होना आवश्यक है।
2. वैकल्पिक:- अंग्रेजी टंकण (वैकल्पिक) के परीक्षण हेतु 10 मिनट की अवधि में करने हेतु एक प्रश्न-पत्र दिया जायेगा। समीक्षा अधिकारी पद हेतु कम्प्यूटर पर न्यूनतम 8000
की-डिप्रेशन प्रति घण्टा तथा सहायक समीक्षा अधिकारी पद हेतु कम्प्यूटर पर न्यूनतम 9000 की-डिप्रेशन प्रति घण्टा की गति होना अनिवार्य है।
नोट- कम्प्यूटर पर अंग्रेजी टंकण कर सकने वाले अभ्यर्थियों को अधिमान दिया जायेगा।